Corporate services

What will we provide you with? All legal and administrative services related to your company, including:

Its relations with third parties and all official and unofficial entities.
Its relations with its employees, ensuring the uniqueness in providing legal and administrative services.
These services include:

Corporate governance and management: rules, systems, and procedures aimed at achieving the best protection and balance between the interests of company directors, shareholders, and other stakeholders, such as:


Preparation, drafting, and refinement of contracts, agreements, and memorandums of understanding of all types, whether in international or domestic contexts.





Certified translation and translation of official documents, legal translation for individuals and companies, scientific and technical translation, financial and commercial translation, medical translation and translation of scientific papers, and interpretation.

Formulating a constructive and practical plan aimed at avoiding disputes, establishing clear strategies for litigation, arbitration, and mediation, representing the client throughout all stages of litigation and arbitration, and representing the client during the mediation process and settlement procedures.


Registering patents, trademarks, and all intellectual property classifications, registering industrial models and designs, geographical indications and undisclosed information, electronic signatures, marine insurance, and insurance for maritime and air transport, as well as intellectual property rights insurance, among others


"Directly handle, follow up on, and execute customer requests, as well as all procedures with government agencies and administrative departments (such as certifying and obtaining official documents, licensing and traffic transactions, passports, police department transactions, information verification). This includes renewing/obtaining/replacing lost national ID cards and passports, family and individual registration, and issuing success certificates."


We conduct a comprehensive legal study of the client's legal position, identifying strengths and weaknesses, similar to clients in handling various cases before the State Council Courts, Economic Courts, Criminal Courts, Cassation Courts, and the Supreme Constitutional Court. We provide innovative legal solutions that help clients achieve their goals as quickly as possible, with minimal effort and cost.


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