Training and qualification solutions

We offer a comprehensive range of training programs and services for both companies and individuals, including:




1- Family Business Constitution


We provide guidance and assistance in drafting constitutions for family businesses to regulate relationships between members and ensure continued success.


2- Building and Managing Legal Departments
We offer training and consultations for building, organizing, and managing legal departments within companies.


3- Converting Family Businesses into Joint-Stock Companies
We assist in implementing the necessary procedures to convert family businesses into joint-stock companies to ensure effective continuity of operations.





Family Business Exit Strategies:
We provide support in managing and executing exit strategies and distributing profits among partners.


4- Cybercrime and Digital Terrorism
We offer training and awareness on combating cybercrime and digital terrorism, as well as applying the necessary regulations for protection.


5- Facilities Management
We provide training and consultation to improve the effective management of facilities and achieve the highest levels of performance.












1- Negotiation Skills


We offer training courses to develop negotiation, analysis, and effective decision-making skills.



Contract Drafting:


We assist in developing skills for drafting contracts and interpreting terms and clauses clearly and accurately.




Art of Advocacy and Case Writing:
We provide training and advice to develop effective advocacy skills and case writing.


2- Preparing Lawyers for the Job Market
We provide training programs to prepare lawyers for the job market with high skills and extensive knowledge.


3- Training for Diplomatic and International Professionals
We offer training and development for individuals in the diplomatic and international fields to enhance their skills and understanding of international issues.


4- English Language for Lawyers
We provide educational courses to learn English proficiently for lawyers to enhance their communication and understanding of international laws.


5- International Arbitration Advisor
We offer training and development for specialists to become advisors in the field of international arbitration.

6- We are here to provide support and guidance to companies and individuals.


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